martes, 13 de febrero de 2018

Modulo 6 Semana 2/// Actividad What do you like?

What do you like?

1.    I like going to the beach
2.    I like drinking orange juice
3.    I like to watch movies all afternoon
4.    I like to read love poems
5.    I like to take photos

1.    I don't like the noise of cars
2.    I don't like to eat Chinese food
3.    I don't like to see novels
4.    I don't like cleaning the garden
5.    I don't like rainy weather

 Conecta las frases que escribiste y redacta un párrafo. Usa las Linking words revisadas en la semana.

I like going to the beach, I like to drink orange juice and I like to read love poems, but I don’t like the noise of cars. Because I'm scared, and I like to take photos but I don´t like the rainy weather because it ruins the Photos, I don´t like to see novels, because they are very sad and I don´t like to clean the garden when it is cold, I like to watch movies all afternoon, I eat pizza because I don’t like to eat Chinese food.

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Módulo 23. Fase 6.